Aged care is an essential service

aged care is an essential service

The Weekly Source, an online news website specialising in the Aged Care industry, recently wrote about Allambie Heights Village CEO’s passionate presentation at the 2019 LEADERS SUMMIT about aged care being an essential service requiring a Royal Commission rewrite.
Below is an excerpt from the article…

If you attended the 2019 LEADERS SUMMIT, you will be familiar with Ciarán who gave a passionate presentation on the need for the aged care sector to reframe its relationship with the Government, with providers as the contractor and the Government as the client paying for services.

Starting as an aged care worker in a geriatric hospital in Ireland at the aged of 18, Ciarán arrived in Australia in 2006 where he took up the Chief Executive role at Allambie Heights Village Ltd. On Sydney’s Northern Beaches, transforming the small Not For Profit operation into a profitable co-located retirement village and aged care home.

The Village became ‘Fortress Allambie’ last Tuesday when its aged care home – which has 98% occupancy – went into lockdown. I talked to Ciaran about how they are travelling seven days in.

Ciarán says the lockdown has received overwhelming support from family members, which he puts partly on a three-week transition period where the home gradually restricted visits.

Since the lockdown, the CEO says staff have lifted their creativity even more when it comes to activities for residents – which is in turn helping to keep resident’s spirits high.

Continue reading the article on The Weekly Source website »

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